XR interface for police officers

We are looking for:
Students who are in the field of human-technology interaction, IT, AI, UX design.

Registration deadline
1 Feb 2022
3 Feb 2023
1. Description of the challenge

The use of XR technology will increase, both in the Netherlands and worldwide. This gives tons of new possibilities for training, 3D simulations and visualizing of operational information. The 3D visualization can be realized on multiple devices like laptop, VR glasses, iPad, MR glasses, etc. Also how to manage a lot of information on multiple XR devises (in and outdoor) is a big challenge. This will be particular challenging for a broad, non-technical user group. This challenge will focus both on research and making a proof of concept. We will first start with phase one were we ask you to do research on the subject. 

Therefore we divided the challenge into 3 sub-questions: 

  1. What are is the worldwide knowledge and trends on the subject? 
  2. How to prevent information overload? 
  3. What kind of XR interface is workable for police officers?
2. Expected outcome

An overview of the trends of visualization in XR (UX design) for the next years, in relation with the impact for the end users within the police.

About Politie Nederland

The Netherlands has one national police force that is comprised of ten regional units, and one central unit tasked with specialised duties. The Netherlands Police have 65,000 employees: 51,000 police officers and 14,000 employees who fulfil other roles supporting police work. Police officers are at the heart of society, close to the news. The police are where it happens. Our actions are always under a magnifying glass. We are there for everyone in our diverse society, 24 hours a day. Integrity, courage, reliability and binding are our core values.